Guided Fly Fishing Trips

Guided fly fishing trips, 2011

I guide a select few Western Washington Lakes and the rivers listed below which are located on Northwest Washington. A guided trip usually involves floating a lake or river in 16 foot Clackacraft drift boat oar in 9 foot personal pontoon boats. In lakes, we fish from the boat. In the river, we sometimes fish from the boat, but usually wade the gravel bars and fish the pools, pockets, and holding water. In January and February we either use the drift boat or drive to the good runs as a float in the pontoon boats is just too cold.

I provide instruction on how to fish a run, what lines, leaders, and flies to use, and how to use them. If you are not familiar with a technique, don't worry! I excel at getting beginner fly fishers into their first fish. If you are interested in improving your casting skills and distance, I can also help you with that. However, if you primary concern is getting into a lot of fish and not spending time on your casting, your best bet is to take a casting class before you arrive for your guided trip. Contact me before the trip and I can usually arrange to meet you for free casting instruction.


Booking a Guided Trip

If you are interested in a guided trip, follow these three steps:

Fishing License: You need to purchase your own fishing license. You can purchase a fishing license through most sporting goods stores in the state of Washington. You can also purchase a fishing license on-line through the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife web site. Once there, click on the "Online License Sales" tab. Note: If you are planning to fish for steelhead or salmon and you are purchasing an on-line license, you will need to purchase your license at least 7 days before the trip as the required punch card must be sent through the mail.

Clothes: Dress for the weather of the day. This means dress warm in the Spring, Fall, and Winter including a hat to keep your head warm and dry. Bring a hat, sun glasses, and sunscreen in the summer. Just in case, bring a rain coat...this is Washington...the weather can be unpredictable!

Boots & Waders: You must supply your own boots and waders. If you don't have waders, you can rent them from Creekside Anglers in Issaquah, (425) 392-3800, or Hook, Line, & Sinker in Arlington, (360) 651-2204.

Rods, Reels, etc: If you have your own gear, bring it. If not, don't buy it until after the trip. I have rods, reels, and lines you can use.

Leaders & Flies I use Maxima built-up leaders for sink tip presentations and Scientific Anglers, Climax, and Cabela's leaders for floating line presentations. If you're not sure which leader to bring, check out my Gear section or send me an email. However, I can supply leaders if needed. I will supply all needed flies. There is no charge for flies and leader material.

Food/Lunch: I will supply your lunch which usually consists of Angus beef burgers cooked streamside, a bag of chips, cookies, water, and Snapple Iced Tea or Thomas Kemper soda. If you want to bring something else to eat or drink, please bring it. (No alcohol please!). I will supply a small cooler for your drinks and lunch.

A word about safety


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